


Elsewhere, NY

89 minutes  •  Drama

Directed By: Jeffrey P. Nesker

Jen stumbles across Todd on her first night in NYC, it’s a crazy and intense introduction to the city. Fast forward two years, and she’s settled with the amiable Ethan, happily letting life cruise by. But when she turns down the chance to move in with him, the last person she expects to take her place is Todd. Tensions build as Jen and Todd try to figure out a way to navigate their hidden past, but soon it’s intense passion that’s burning at the fray. Elsewhere, NY is story about what happens when you’ve fallen in love with the wrong person, only for the right one to reappear.

Original Title:

Production Company: Ocular Nitrition

Genres: Drama

Release Date:

Runtime: 89 minutes

Director: Jeffrey P. Nesker

Producer: Jeffrey P. Nesker, Tom Wilton

Cinematographer: Jeffrey P. Nesker

Writer: Tom Wilton

Composer: Jason Thomson

Production Countries:



Cast: Andrew Ruth, Gillian Leigh Visco, Andrew Leland Rogers, Fiona Graham
