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Tru Love

Tru Love (2013)

94 min - Drama, Romance - 4 October 2013
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TRU, 37, is a serial bed-hopping lesbian who cannot commit to a relationship or a job for long...that is, until she meets ALICE, 60, a beautiful widow, who has come to town at the last minute to visit her daughter, SUZANNE, 35, a too-busy corporate lawyer and Tru's friend. Alice and Tru begin to forge an unlikely friendship...and more. Suzanne, who has a deeply conflicted relationship with her mother and a complicated past with Tru, becomes increasingly alarmed at the growing bond between Tru and her mother. Tensions escalate after Suzanne witnesses an intimate moment between them. She tries to sabotage the budding romance, but it backfires, as Tru Love is hard to contain.

Director:  Kate Johnston, Shauna MacDonald
Writers:  Kate Johnston, Shauna MacDonald

Collections: Now Showing, On DVD/VOD, VOD

Tagline: When love finds you, rules and roles don't apply

Genres: Drama, Romance


Official Website:
Country:   Canada
Language:  English
Release Date:  4 October 2013

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Tom Girl Films

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 34 min
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