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Roobha (2020)

92 minutes min - Romance, LGBTQ+ - 17 November 2020
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Roobha, a young South Asian trans woman, struggles with the issue of gender identity, and is apprehensive that her conservative family will not understand her. Finally, she gathers courage to confront them, and is promptly ostracized. Unable to make a decent living, she walks the streets of Toronto. Shortly, she musters up a clientele. One night, she is assaulted by a homophobic group. She recovers with the help of her transgender friends. A few weeks later, while dancing at a pub she is harassed by some men. The pub owner, Anthony, comes to her rescue, and throws the thugs out. Anthony and Roobha are inexplicably drawn towards each other, and a rapturous romance ensues. However, Anthony's familial affiliation, failing health, and final death throws Roobha into a conundrum once again.

Director:  Lenin M. Sivam
Writers:  Lenin M. Sivam


Official Website: 
Country:   Canada
Language:  English/Tamil
Release Date:  17 November 2020

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Next Productions

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 32 min
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