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Let’s Talk About It

Let's Talk About It

47 minutes min - Documentary -
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A compelling and purposeful call to action, the one-hour documentary puts a voice and a face to the global epidemic that is breeding a new generation of abusers. Fusing the structured first-person story-telling techniques of the documentary with the revealing and spontaneous tell-it-like-it-is conversations between parent and child, in a chilling landscape with the cautionary tales of immigrant women who share their stories of domestic violence and the resulting negative impact and influence on their children from their exposure to violence in the home. “Children are our greatest teachers and I hope this film helps to fuel meaningful action and commitment to stop the cycle of family abuse and give voice to every child and parent living in the unspoken despair of an abusive home.” Deepa Mehta

Director:  Deepa Mehta
Writers:  Noemi Weis

Collections: Now Showing, On DVD/VOD, VOD

Tagline: Once the innocent and forgotten victims of domestic violence, children break the silence and secrecy of family abuse for the first time in Let’s Talk About It, a new documentary directed by Deepa Mehta

Genres: Documentary


Official Website: 

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Filmblanc

Technical Specs

Runtime:  0 h 47 min
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