A groundbreaking musical drama about a scientist whose own genetic history threatens her career, her lab and her life.
84 minutes • Drama
Directed By: Kim Collier, Kevin Kerr, Jonathon Young
“Are you ready to kick the ass genomic?” Dr. Lynn Magnusson is a brilliant geneticist racing to isolate a cancer-causing gene. All that’s standing in her way is competition from a well funded French lab, a ticking biological clock that leads to a risky office romance, and her own fears that she might carry the same Huntington’s gene that killed her mother. Based on the award-winning play by Electric Company Theatre, The Score explores the human elements and revolutionary implications of the rapidly advancing world of genetics and uses humour, music and dance to transform scientific ideas into universal themes of identity, freedom and creation.
Original Title:
Production Company: Screen Siren Pictures
Genres: Drama
Release Date:
Runtime: 84 minutes
Director: Kim Collier, Kevin Kerr, Jonathon Young
Producer: Trish Dolman, Leah Mallen
Cinematographer: Brian Johnson
Writer: Kim Collier, David Hudgins, Kevin Kerr, Jonathon Young
Composer: Peter Allen
Production Countries:
Cast: Jane Perry, David Hudgins, Kevin Kerr, Jonathon Young, Lois Anderson, Diana Coatsworth, Alessandro Juliani, JR Bourne, Tom Butler, Suleka Matthew