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Fly Colt Fly

Fly Colt Fly (2014)

82 minutes min - Documentary - 21 February 2014
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Fly Colt Fly is a feature length documentary about American teenage fugitive Colton Harris-Moore, whose superhuman ability to escape capture by stealing airplanes and living in the wilderness made him the modern day folk hero of a new generation. Fusing documentary, graphic novel style animation, and dramatic recreations, the film contrasts the story of a real kid who fell into burglary to keep from starving with his mass media persona, The Barefoot Bandit. While telling Colt’s larger-than-life story, this film examines the public fascination with underdog anti- heroes and how fame becomes the kiss of death for these outlaws we root for.

Director:  Adam Gray, Andrew Gray

Genres: Documentary


Official Website: 
Country:   Canada
Language:  English
Release Date:  21 February 2014

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Barefoot Bandit Productions

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 22 min
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INDIECAN ENTERTAINMENT is a Canadian distribution company that services not just up-and-coming Canadian filmmakers, but also those indies making films in a lower budget bracket who have otherwise virtually no chance to shine in a market of big studios, distributors and exhibitors.

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