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Junkie (2012)

84 min - Comedy - 5 October 2012
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Junkie is a pitch black comedy about two heavily addicted, drug addled brothers, Danny (Daniel Louis Rivas) and Nicky (Robert LaSardo). When Danny decides he's going clean, Nicky reacts aggressively, driving Danny from one insane experience to another as a whole host of bizarre, surreal characters descend on their house, all with grievances to bear, debts to reclaim or trouble to cause. It quickly becomes apparent that Nicky is not really Danny's brother, but a fictitious personification of his own drug addiction, manifested in the form of an impish nightmare hellbent on Danny's self-destruction. As Danny's life spirals out of control he must fight tooth and nail to kick the habit and rescue himself from the personal hell Nicky has consigned him to, whilst simultaneously attempting to repair the deeply damaged relationships with his increasingly bizarre friends and family. Junkie is a twisted, pitch black comedy about a hapless addict desperately trying to go clean, and his psychotic, devil-may-care brother, who'll stop at nothing to make sure he never does.

Director:  Adam Mason
Writers:  Simon Boyes, Adam Mason

Tagline: Just say yes

Genres: Comedy


Official Website: 
Language:  English
Release Date:  5 October 2012

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Mad Dimension

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 24 min
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