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The Possession Of Anne

The Possession Of Anne

85 minutes min - Horror -
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When nobody will believe that she's possessed, Anne (Sadie Katz) must take matters into her own hands, and exorcise the demon inside her on her own. Her only council is from a disgraced and defrocked priest (Vernon Wells). Together they must solve the riddle of the demon that has haunted Anne’s family for generations, taking both her mother and her grandfather before her. Now its latest victim, Anne realizes that if she can’t free her family of this curse once and for all, her young son will be doomed to the same fate.

Director:  Jim Towns
Writers:  Jim Towns
Stars:  Sadie Katz, Vernon Wells, Danelle Von Visger, Anthony W. Preston, Denise Milfort


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Country:   USA
Language:  English

Company Credits

Production Companies:  See You Next Tuesday Films LLC

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 25 min
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