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87 minutes min - Horror -
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17-year-old Emily’s father Thomas snapped eight years ago, and murdered a dozen people including his very own son, a toddler. Emily and her mother survived the horrific tragedy. Today, the anniversary of these events, is a particularly tough day for Emily to bear the antagonizing of her peers. Today is a tough day for Emily to be picked upon for her dark doodles, and today is a tough day to be suspended. But today is about to get tougher, for a dangerous maniac has escaped, and that maniac appears to be Tom, Emily’s dear old Daddy. Tom is coming back to finish the job, as Emily spends the night home alone caring for her mute little brother, Jeremy. Or is he? The horrific visions we have of Tom come to us through Emily and her drawings. He may be no more than a fantasy, as he murders a farmer and his wife who conspired to abuse him for profit. hen Tom appears at the door, the dark fantasy turns deadly and Emily is forced to confront her demons once and for all.

Director:  Jeffery Lando
Writers:  Kevin Mosley

Collections: Now Showing, On DVD/VOD, VOD

Genres: Horror


Official Website: 
Language:  English

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Suspended Reality Productions

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 27 min
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