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Slaughter Nick For President

Poster for the movie "Slaughter Nick For President"
Poster for the movie "Slaughter Nick For President"

Slaughter Nick For President (2013)

73 minutes min - Documentary - 10 May 2013
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Rob Stewart is a 47-year-old journeyman Canadian actor. The ups and downs of his career have been extreme. After 20 years in the biz, the one-time CBS TV star finds himself living with his parents after being forced to move from Los Angeles back to Brampton, Ontario. It’s late 2008 and Stewart’s son introduces his father to Facebook where a quick vanity search yields an astonishing discovery: Rob Stewart is wildly famous... in Serbia. With little else on his agenda, Rob decides to travel to the Balkan state to find out more. Wonder of wonders. Rob's long-forgotten starring role as Nick Slaughter -- a pony-tailed beach-bum detective on the 1990s American TV series Tropical Heat (aka Sweating Bullets) -- is by far the most popular show in the history of Serbian television. But it gets even more bizarre -- Stewart learns of the student protests against former Serbian Dictator Slobodan Milosevic and how the character of Nick Slaughter became a symbol of freedom and democracy for the movement that eventually led to his downfall. A whole generation of Serbians grew up watching the show and a punk rock band called Atheist Rap had even written a song about Rob's character: “Nick Slaughter, Serbia Hails You.”

Writers:  Rob Stewart, Marc Vespi

Tagline: A little-known actor discovers that he is hugely popular in Serbia.

Genres: Documentary


Official Website:
Country:   Canada
Language:  English
Release Date:  10 May 2013

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Slaughter Nick Productions

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 13 min
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