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Random Acts of Romance

Random Acts of Romance (2012)

Comedy - 5 October 2012
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Random Acts of Romance is a feature comedy about intense characters in extreme relationship situations — and the crazy and obsessive behaviors that spring from this thing called love. The story is paced like an emotional roller coaster, punctuated by moments of uncomfortably illuminating hilarity as characters confront situations we all identify with. David and Holly are rich newlyweds who should be in love. When Holly accidentally runs over Bud, a pot-smoking lesbian, who questions the couple's passion for each other, she realized that perhaps her marriage isn't working. Meet Matt and Dianne, the couple who met in college. Dianne was Matt's teacher but it's not going well now. After a stoned conversation with his best friend Bud, Matt goes all out to win back his wife but she's more interested in Richard, the heartless, attractive millionaire who lives next door to Bud. Richard catches the eye of David's secretary, Lynne, a timid girl who likes to stalk. Yes, Random Acts of Romance will take the audience on a sexual joy ride.

Director:  Katrin Bowen
Writers:  Katrin Bowen, Kevin McComiskie, Jillian Mannion

Genres: Comedy


Official Website: 
Country:   Canada
Language:  English
Release Date:  5 October 2012

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Bowen Arrow Productions, Purple Productions

Technical Specs

Runtime:  Duration unknown
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