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Prisoner X

Prisoner X

88 minutes min - Sci-Fi/Thriller -
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As the world rages in war and civil strife, CIA agent Carmen Reese arrives at a secret underground prison to interrogate a time-traveling terrorist who is responsible for the unfolding catastrophe. Her immediate task is to investigate the mysterious death of her predecessor - a talented interrogator and former lover. Was it suicide as the evidence suggests? Or was it murder? Carmen knows that the answers to these questions are linked to bigger, more important questions: Is the prisoner who he claims to be? And what is his real agenda? It’s now a race against the clock as Carmen and the prisoner engage in a battle of wills to see whose version of the future will triumph.

Director:  Gaurav Seth
Writers:  Gaurav Seth

Collections: Now Showing, On DVD/VOD, VOD

Tagline: As the world rages in war and civil strife, a CIA agent arrives at a secret underground prison to interrogate a time-traveling terrorist who is responsible for the unfolding catastrophe.

Genres: Sci-Fi/Thriller


Official Website:
Language:  English

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Federgreen Entertainment

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 28 min
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