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91 minutes min - Thriller, Post-Apocalyptic, Action, Drama, Scifi -
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In a post-apocalyptic world, society has collapsed, and individual survivors are fighting for their existence against viruses, nightly acid rain, and hordes of cannibals. Grave diggers LARS (37) and DONALD (38) spend nights haunted by acid rain in their high-tech base of the past world, and when the rains stop during the day, they dispose of the bodies of the contaminated, doing a long day’s work. When Lars loses his co-worker to a gang of cannibals lurking in the woods, he ends up teaming up with other survivors to get help burying the infected bodies and to be ready for the inevitable future confrontation with the cannibals.

Director:  Joonas Makkonen
Writers:  Joonas Makkonen
Stars:  Ari Karhunen, Enni Ojutkangas, Ari Savonen, Saara Elina, Romeo Makkonen, Zoltán Fodor, Jari Manninen, Olli Saarenpää, Roderick Kabanga, Päivi Komulainen-Vuoti


Official Website: 
Country:   Finland

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Frozen Flame Pictures Ltd.

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 31 min
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INDIECAN ENTERTAINMENT is a Canadian distribution company that services not just up-and-coming Canadian filmmakers, but also those indies making films in a lower budget bracket who have otherwise virtually no chance to shine in a market of big studios, distributors and exhibitors.

“Seeing Canadian films should become a regular occurrence and not a one-time event. We need to not only support Canadian production but also encourage the viewing of Canadian films by Canadian audiences. We owe it to our industry, our culture and our country.” — Avi Federgreen