Directed By: Todd Cobery, Javier Chillon, Richard Karpala, Andrew Desmond, Benni Diez, Marinko Spahic, Dennis Cabella, Marcello Ercole, Fabio Prati, Antonio Padovan, Ethan Shaftel, Justin McConnell
Trapped in a damaged cryogenic pod, a man is forced to watch a series of
horrific science-fiction tales while his life support systems run out.
Original Title:
Production Company: Unstable Ground Productions
Genres: Science fiction and horror
Release Date: March 1, 2017
Runtime: 105 minutes
Director: Todd Cobery, Javier Chillon, Richard Karpala, Andrew Desmond, Benni Diez, Marinko Spahic, Dennis Cabella, Marcello Ercole, Fabio Prati, Antonio Padovan, Ethan Shaftel, Justin McConnell