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Designer $hit

Designer $hit

70 minutes min - Documentary -
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Filmmaker Saffron Cassaday spares no details in her quest to uncover what some experts believe could be the biggest medical breakthrough of the 21st century - Fecal Microbiota Transplant - using her partner as a stool donor.

Director:  Saffron Cassaday
Writers:  Saffron Cassaday
Stars:  Saffron Cassaday, Al Mukadam, Mark Smith, PhD, Carolyn Edelstein, MPA, Alexander Khoruts, MD, Mark Davis, ND, Thomas Borody, MD, PhD, Paul Moayyedi, MD, PhD, Johane Allard, MD, Valerie Taylor, PhD, Emma Allen-Vercoe, PhD, Embriette Hyde, PhD


Official Website: 
Country:   Canada
Language:  English

Company Credits

Production Companies:  The Best Part Inc

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 10 min
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