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Extraneous Matter

Extraneous Matter

61 minutes min - Comedy, Drama, Horror, Romance, Erotic -
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"The extraneous matter" appears out of nowhere in front of two couples who are not getting along, former lovers, and factory workers and affects their thoughts and lives.

Director:  Kenichi Ugana
Writers:  Kenich Ugana
Stars:  Kaoru Koide, Shunsuke Tanaka, "Momoka Ishida, Kaito Yoshimura, Makoto Tanaka, Shuto Miyazaki, Dankan, Mizuki Takanashi, Momoko Tanabe


Official Website: 
Country:   Japan
Language:  Japanese

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Southcat Co. Ltd. Vandalism Co. Ltd

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 01 min
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