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Above All Else

Above All Else (2014)

94 min - Documentary - 10 March 2014
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One man will risk it all to stop the tar sands of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from crossing his land. Shot in the forests, pastures, and living rooms of rural East Texas, Above All Else follows David Daniel as he rallies neighbors and environmental activists to join him in a final act of brinkmanship: a tree-top blockade of the controversial pipeline. What begins as a stand against corporate bullying becomes a rallying cry for climate protesters nationwide. As in his previous film, Mississippi Chicken, director John Fiege puts a human face on a complex case of social injustice, capturing the South in all its drama and contradiction.

Director:  John Fiege

Genres: Documentary


Official Website:
Language:  English
Release Date:  10 March 2014

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Runtime:  1 h 34 min
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