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Stronger Than Bullets

Stronger Than Bullets

87 minutes min - Documentary -
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1985. In a brutal show of power, Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi outlaws music instruments, and orders them hurled into bonfires. Those were the years the music died... Yet in 2011, when the people rise, the music reawakens, and the streets of Benghazi resound with a melodic fury. Libyan youth come out in droves to rock the very foundations of the regime with crunching guitars and furious beats. But when the tyrant falls, victory soon descends into chaos, and a new tyranny emerges. The streets of Benghazi once again go silent. Yet the flame of hope cannot be dimmed, as the musicians once again prepare to challenge oppression... and strike a chord for freedom.

Director:  Matthew Millan

Collections: Now Showing, On DVD/VOD, VOD

Genres: Documentary


Company Credits

Production Companies:  180 Films, Post-Revolutionary Blues LLC

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 27 min
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