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84 minutes min - Drama -
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Arianna is nineteen years old but she still hasn’t had her first period. The hormones that her gynaecologist has prescribed don’t seem to have any effect on her development, except for a small increase in the size of her breasts that only cause her discomfort. At the beginning of summer, her parents decide to retake possession of the farmhouse on Lake Bolsena where Arianna grew up till the age of three and where she has never returned. During her stay in the house, old memories start surfacing, so much so that Arianna decides to stay on when her parents need to go back to the city. The afternoons are slow and silent while Arianna starts inquiring about her body and her past; an encounter with her young cousin celeste - so different and feminine compared to her - and the loss of her virginity with a boy her same age push Arianna to finally confront the true nature of her sexuality and her true identity.

Director:  Carlo Lavagna
Writers:  Carlo Salsa, Carlo Lavagna, Chiara Barzini

Collections: Now Showing, On DVD/VOD, VOD

Genres: Drama


Official Website: 

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Ring Film

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 24 min
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INDIECAN ENTERTAINMENT is a Canadian distribution company that services not just up-and-coming Canadian filmmakers, but also those indies making films in a lower budget bracket who have otherwise virtually no chance to shine in a market of big studios, distributors and exhibitors.

“Seeing Canadian films should become a regular occurrence and not a one-time event. We need to not only support Canadian production but also encourage the viewing of Canadian films by Canadian audiences. We owe it to our industry, our culture and our country.” — Avi Federgreen