Basic Human Needs

82 minutes  •  Comedy/Drama

Directed By: Matt Yim

Basic Human Needs is a coming of age comedy that follows the lives of a young couple in Regina whose debilitating lack of ambition, and resistance to growing up, is put to the test when adulthood is abruptly thrust upon them in the form of a missing condom, a pregnancy test, and a few invaluable life lessons they’re likely to forget.

Original Title:

Production Company: Basic Human Needs Productions

Genres: Comedy/Drama

Release Date:

Runtime: 82 minutes

Director: Matt Yim

Producer: Matthieu Belanger, Allan Roeher

Cinematographer: Layton Burton

Writer: Matt Yim


Production Countries:



Cast: Laura Abramsen, Matt Yim, Matalie Lazarou, Jim Frasier, Candace Bligh, Ian Schneider, Ross Zimmerman
