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How I Became An Elephant

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How I Became An Elephant

78 min - Documentary -
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When Juliette West set out on a quest to educate herself she got far more than she bargained for. How I Became an Elephant follows this wide-eyed fourteen year-old from suburban California on her quest to save the world’s largest land mammals; a quest that takes her halfway across the globe and face to face with the gentle giants she aims to save. On her journey Juliette meets Asia’s famous “Elephant Lady,” Lek Chailert who has risked her life and freedom for more than three decades to protect elephants from illegal trade and abuse. Together these unwavering and determined women from opposite ends of the earth and cultural spectrum converge on common ground: saving elephants. And they will stop at nothing to expose the dark secrets within industries so steeped in greed and corruption… and hopefully reverse the damage. But Juliette knows time is of the essence. The South East Asian elephant is facing extinction in the wild as animal entertainment and elephant trekking industries grow exponentially. With few laws to protect “domestic” elephants and so much corruption within the system the situation looks bleak. Little does this fourteen year-old know she is about to embark on a journey that will change her life forever. Part investigative journalism and all adventure, this elephant documentary with its exotic and sometimes disturbing imagery is inspiring folks around the globe to get involved. How I Became An Elephant is far more than just a film. It’s one girl’s story… that led to a movement, which led to a continuing plan… to save a species. How I Became an Elephant is directed by 16-time award winning filmmakers Tim Gorski and Synthian Sharp and produced by television actor/producer Jorja Fox and fourteen year-old Juliette West. Award winning cinematographer Jonathan David Kane is behind the lens and upcoming Hollywood composer Cody Westheimer weaves a masterful music score.

Director:  Tim Gorski

Genres: Documentary


Language:  English

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Rattle The Cage Productions

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 18 min
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