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The Christmas Spirit

The Christmas Spirit

93 minutes min - Holiday, Thriller -
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Years ago, a tragedy on Christmas Eve trapped the Spirit of Christmas in young Cole Martin's mind. Now an adult, Cole is haunted by guilt and the spirit's insistent plans. When a teenage girl resembling his lost sister posts about her holiday blues, the spirit sees a perfect opportunity for redemption. As Cole stumbles through a wild comedy-thriller, he must navigate his sanity, the ancient spirit's schemes, and the whims of a capricious teenager. In a heartwarming tale that combines the charm of "Miracle on 34th Street" with the depth of "The Fisher King," true to the Christmas Spirit, Cole's journey brings thrills, laughter, and joy to audiences home for the holidays.

Director:  Bennet De Brabandere
Writers:  Bennet De Brabandere
Stars:  Zion Forrest Lee, Nicolas Grimes, Matia Jackett, Christian Potenza, Eman Ayaz, Jordan Kronis

Collections: Coming Soon, Red Water

Genres: Holiday, Thriller


Official Website: 
Country:   Canada
Language:  English

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Company Mercury_2 Film Production Inc.

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 33 min
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